Admittedly, Summer is my least favorite season because of the intense heat that keeps me from doing as many outdoor activities as I would like. However there are so many fun things about Summer, not the least of which is eating the home grown crops and herbs that are growing throughout the season. One of my favorite things to do is to add fresh herbs like mint, lemon verbena or lemon thyme to my iced tea. I make a pitcher of green iced tea and add the herbs letting them brew in the hot water along with the green tea. So far, lemon verbena is my favorite because of the strong flavor of lemon you get from just a few leaves. I also enjoy adding a bit of mint to green tea which gives it a hint of mint flavor. I have been working on making dish clothes for a local charity here called Knitting 4 Peace. Pictured is one of those cloths. Because dishcloths are small, they are very portable as a take along knitting project for long car rides or sitting in a park enjoying the beauty of the day. Just as long as you don't knit while you drive you should be ok 😂
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