In the last two weeks my sewing and knitting have hit a slowdown as our house and cats were tossed into a happy upheaval when we decided to go ahead with some kitchen and family room upgrades.
Between shuffling the four cats to their respective spaces (no one wanted to have to spend the whole day with a bouncy kitten) for the day and emptying the entire family room and then filling it up again, I felt I had walked 10 miles a day.

The counter tops, back splash and new sink turned out exactly as we planned and the new and improved wood floors are great. We still await the arrival of the new sofas and are still waiting to be able to put our area rugs down and then it will once again be home sweet home. In the meantime, I have received a shipment of Samhain fabric that I can't wait to get into! It is less than 100 days until Samhain and even sooner until Fall arrives. For now I have been working with some lovely celestial prints that are timeless and belong to no season. Look for them in the shop soon!
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