I celebrated Ostara by doing a ritual for a very small group of friends. I called it a Crafting ritual. During our Ostara ritual we all sat around and colored an Ostara illustration while listening to Vivaldi's Spring from the four seasons. Later, to wrap up our ritual we all got started on the process of regenerating a plant of our own to help us with our ritual intentions of regenerating something in our lives. The plant I used is called a Resurrection Plant.

It is in the family of air plants, and as such is easy to care for and really fun to watch it come to life within an hour of adding water! I was pretty thrilled to see that when my plant opened fully it looks like the Green Man! After our ritual, we all enjoyed a piece of Honey Cake that I made using the recipe from "Ostara" which is one of Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials series of books. I love these little books! They are small in size but each of them are packed with holiday history and lore plus recipes and other fun holiday ideas. I decided to collect and use them as each of the holidays approach.
I added some Ostara inspired items to the store! I like to craft seasonally in order to really embrace the present. I added some herb bags in anticipation of growing season. They also make wonderful little charm bags that can be used as gifts or for yourself! They have their own section in the store so they can easily be found!
Spring is here, welcome new beginnings! Blessed Be!